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Twelve members to constitute the group. Meeting on a full moon day every month. Sit in circle , for meetings. Start with 5 minutes pranayama, and 20 minutes "easy meditation". MORE

Give Global Integral Vision to Everyone Through Ayurveda.
Global Integral Vision to Everyone (GIVE). World is my country.(Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam).The world,can be integrated only by integrating individual minds. The world is one family (Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam) is a reality long forgotten and neglected. In as much as the whole world is an integral whole, each unit is also an integral whole.MORE

Your mind can easily do it for you!!! It is simple.

Our mind is a super super computer. All it needs is to be fed with specific task. If we are vague about what we want to achieve then we cannot feed the mind effectively. We have to be absolutely specific.MORE

0=1, would you agree? No doubt you would not. Let us examine it. Zero is the contribution of India to the world. This must be the contribution of a Yogi. In an effort to express the transcendental state of consciousness he must have framed Zero. It means three things.

1. He realized that he has no end, no beginning, no birth, no death. The figure has no end no beginning.

2. Whatever is there, is inside and nothing outside it.

3. Whatever is there is in a state of oneness , i.e., there is no duality.MORE



Humanity is in an unprecedented crisis. Is there a way out ? What is the way out? Who will show the way out? Is there a long lasting solution? Is this the only way humanity can be? The simple law is that there is no problem without a solution. But then how to arrive at the solution? Unfortunately we are going on searching for solutions outside of us. When the problems are outside us, the real solutions are inside. Therein lies the relevance of Inquiry. Is there anything wrong with Inquiry? The only problem with Inquiry is that it costs us nothing and is so simple. Why are we holding onto irrelevant beliefs? Are we being taken for a ride? If so, who is responsible? Aren't we the only responsible ones?

What is Inquiry? Inquiry is an attitude of innocence. Our ego does not permit Inquiry. So the one who recognizes his Ego can alone be in Inquiry. Inquiry is an understanding of our sublime nature. Inquiry is a sincere quest for WISDOM and TRUTH. An Inquirer alone has a realistic chance of having access to WISDOM and TRUTH. Inquirers are divinely guided. Inquiry essentially means right mental positioning. It is a positioning that leads to Self Realisation. Belief means “I know”, “I know”. Inquiry means “I don’t know”, “I don’t know”.

‘Inquiry’ is nothing but “Self Inquiry”. Inquiry here means a seeking for Truth. Inquiry is simply an innocent attitude of “I don’t know”. Inquiry means to entertain profound questions. All the oriental spiritual traditions have Inquiry at their core. To be in Inquiry means to be on the Path.

“Once you are on the Path, the Path will carry you.”

Once you are on the path, Mother Nature pushes you up from without and the Guru pulls you up from within. Thus, Inquirers are on an Escalator that heads straight to REALITY. It is simply spontaneous and so natural. It is quite innate and instinctive for human beings to Inquire. Inquiry brings victory effortlessly. Free thinking leads to Inquiry. Inquiry means pure wisdom. It is natural for human beings to entertain the following questions. All profound questions are part of our Inquiry.

  • 1. Who am I?

    2. Where did I come from?

    3. Where do I go?

    4. What is the purpose of my life?

    5. How can I make my life count?

    6. What is the cause of human miseries?

    7. What is my responsibility?

    8. What is birth?

    9. What is life?

    10. What is death?

Profound questions will help human beings live without absurd and irrelevant conclusions. To have profound questions means to be able to lead a masterly life. “To succeed in life what we need is not a backpack of answers but the spearhead of questions.”

What leads to Inquiry :

What is meant by Inquiry is essentially a U - turn. It is a departure from belief. There are a few factors that lead us to inquiry. One is of course a Guru. But then the question arises what will take us to a Guru? A good book may lead us to Inquiry. So also, reversals in our life can make us think differently leading us to Inquiry. Ultimately, Providence matters the most. It can happen even without any reason. Our righteous life can at some point of time initiate Inquiry.

The title of the book “Inquiry the Path and the Truth” is profound. He who is in Inquiry will find his own Path assuredly attaining to Truth. Inquiry is the truth that helps realize TRUTH. For all round success in life what we need is not an accumulation of knowledge but the sharpness of INQUIRY and WISDOM.

Benefits of Inquiry :

Inquiry leads to the following benefits.

  • 1. Right orientation.

    2. Prudence.

    3. Clarity of thought.

    4. Purity of mind.

    5. Increasing proximity to Reality.

    6. Astuteness.

    7. Best of life here and hereafter.

    8. Dexterity in action.

    9. Spontaneous materialization of legitimate dreams.

    10. To be of the best of service to humanity.

    11. Psychological and physiological health.

    12. True leadership.

    13. Lead people from confusion to clarity.

    14. Self Realization.

In the world today we have atheists and theists. They are opposed to each other. Inquiry is the middle path. This means neither to be a believer nor to be a non - believer. He who chooses a middle path will have an impeccable journey in life.

Belief Systems :

Today the world is dominated by ridiculous belief systems without much of a highly relevant Inquiry. In a scenario where belief systems are ruling the roost, Inquiry is all the more relevant.

Belief is indeed an impediment to Inquiry. Let us examine what belief is. Belief means telling ourselves a lie. Though we do not know the “Truth”, we are trying to convince ourselves that we know the TRUTH. If we accept the fact that we do not know the “Truth”, we are naturally into Inquiry. In a way belief is sin. Belief is nothing but an absurd conclusion with no basis at all whatsoever. Inquiry is simply natural. Beliefs are imposed or enforced. Nobody can make another an Inquirer. It is a choice. Inquiry alone turns your life around for the good.

Role of Inquirers:

The Self Realized souls have all been Inquirers to the core. Spirituality without Inquiry is futile and ineffective. The Inquirers are an invisible fraternity for world peace and harmony. There is no doubt that not all can be genuine Inquirers. However when the world has sufficient number of Inquirers, the whole scenario will change favorably.

This book endeavors to add more and more Inquirers to the already growing fraternity.

There is Truth in Inquiry. There is Transformation in Inquiry. There is Realization in Inquiry.

  • 1. Right orientation.

    2. Prudence.

    3. Clarity of thought.

    4. Purity of mind.

    5. Increasing proximity to Reality.

    6. Astuteness.

    7. Best of life here and hereafter.

    8. Dexterity in action.

    9. Spontaneous materialization of legitimate dreams.

    10. To be of the best of service to humanity.

    11. Psychological and physiological health.

    12. True leadership.

    13. Lead people from confusion to clarity.

    14. Self Realization.